
DjangoのURL namespacesのところを和訳した


URL namespaces
URL ネームスペース

Namespaced URLs are specified using the : operator. For example, the main index page of the admin application is referenced using admin:index. This indicates a namespace of admin, and a named URL of index.

ネームスペースに関連付けられたURLは、:演算子を使い表現されます。例えば、adminアプリケーションのメイントップページは admin:index で参照されます。これはadminネームスペースのindexと名付けられたURLを示します。

Namespaces can also be nested. The named URL foo:bar:whiz would look for a pattern named whiz in the namespace bar that is itself defined within the top-level namespace foo.

ネームスペースは入れ子にできます。 foo:bar:whiz というURL名は、それ自身がfooというトップレベルのネームスペース内に定義されているbarというネームスペース内のwhizと名付けられたパターンを指します。

When given a namespaced URL (e.g. myapp:index) to resolve, Django splits the fully qualified name into parts, and then tries the following lookup:


1. First, Django looks for a matching application namespace (in this example, myapp). This will yield a list of instances of that application.


2. If there is a current application defined, Django finds and returns the URL resolver for that instance. The current application can be specified as an attribute on the template context - applications that expect to have multiple deployments should set the current_app attribute on any Context or RequestContext that is used to render a template.


3. The current application can also be specified manually as an argument to the reverse() function.


4. If there is no current application. Django looks for a default application instance. The default application instance is the instance that has an instance namespace matching the application namespace (in this example, an instance of the myapp called myapp).


5. If there is no default application instance, Django will pick the last deployed instance of the application, whatever its instance name may be.


If the provided namespace doesn't match an application namespace in step 1, Django will attempt a direct lookup of the namespace as an instance namespace.


If there are nested namespaces, these steps are repeated for each part of the namespace until only the view name is unresolved. The view name will then be resolved into a URL in the namespace that has been found.


To show this resolution strategy in action, consider an example of two instances of myapp: one called foo, and one called bar. myapp has a main index page with a URL named index. Using this setup, the following lookups are possible:


・If one of the instances is current - say, if we were rendering a utility page in the instance bar - myapp:index will resolve to the index page of the instance bar.


・If there is no current instance - say, if we were rendering a page somewhere else on the site - myapp:index will resolve to the last registered instance of myapp. Since there is no default instance, the last instance of myapp that is registered will be used. This could be foo or bar, depending on the order they are introduced into the urlpatterns of the project.


・foo:index will always resolve to the index page of the instance foo.

foo:index は常にfooインスタンスのトップページとして解決されます。

If there was also a default instance - i.e., an instance named myapp - the following would happen:


・If one of the instances is current - say, if we were rendering a utility page in the instance bar - myapp:index will resolve to the index page of the instance bar.


・If there is no current instance - say, if we were rendering a page somewhere else on the site - myapp:index will resolve to the index page of the default instance.


・foo:index will again resolve to the index page of the instance foo.

foo:index はこの場合もfooインスタンスのトップページとして解決されます。


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